How many brands does MOHA supply?

Soft drink products

  1. Pepsi
  2. Mirinda Orange
  3. 7UP
  4. Mirinda Tonic
  5. Mirinda Apple

Water products

  1. Kool mineral water
  2. Kool carbonated mineral water
  3. Tossa minch spring water
How many plants does MOHA own in Ethiopia?

There are eight plants under MOHA,

  • Three plants at Addis Ababa
  • One at Gondar
  • One at Hawassa
  • One at Bure, Gojam
  • One at Mekele
  • One at Dessie
How does MOHA run its business? Is it a local or international company?

MOHA is franchised company under Pepsi cola international. It works and produces its products based on Pepsi cola standards.

What is the annual tax amount paid by MOHA?

1,200,000,000 birr

How many employees are working for MOHA?

4057 employees

What are the criteria to distribute MOHA products?
  • 6000 cases of Pepsi bottles
  • 200 square meter size standardized sales store
  • one heavy truck and two medium size delivery trucks