MOHA soft drinks Industry S.C was acquired from the Ethiopian Privatization Agency and established on May 15,1996 with the following vision, mission and core values.


MOHA’s vision is to make each of our Pepsi products to be a drink of first choice among consumer and obtainable throughout the Ethiopian market. We intend to create superior value for our shareholders, our customers and our employees.


Our mission is to be the best beverage industry in the country we will continuously improve our responsiveness to the needs and concerns of our customers, employees, partners and communities in which we serve. This will be accomplished through the development of our employees, an emphasis on cost efficiency, market expansion and profitability. We will expand our marketing areas to both protect and improve our positions by placing emphasis on innovation and technological improvement to keep always ahead of competition.

Core Values

Customer satisfaction, enhancement of positive corporate identity and image, ensure employees empowerment, be committed to social responsibilities, sustainability of quality and excellence in what we do and build a winning team.


Nifas Silk Plant

Established in 1966
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TekleHaimanot Plant

Established in 1963
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Summit Plant

Established in 2003
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Gondar Plant

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Dessie Plant

Established in 1993
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Bure Plant

Established in 1993
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Hawassa Plant

Established in 1998
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Mekelle Plant

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Award Received

MOHA Soft Drink Industry S.C. is committed to producing safe, legal and quality beverage products and services that continue to satisfy the growing needs and requirements of customers and interested parties.

This commitment is consistently achieved through the implementation and maintenance of our Food Safety and Quality Management System that addresses any relevant legal, corporate, customer or other standards and obligations. For its outstanding achievement, MOHA Won four awards in 2010 from Pepsi Cola international, as per the accomplishment of standard required by AIBI – an internationally recognized third party audit firm.